TGC Dodgeball & Basketball
This week the activities were Dodgeball for year 8 and Basketball for 9, 10 and 11. It was nice to see so many KS/3 and KS/4 girls from our school and from St Mary Magdalene Academy.
Starting next week, we will be doing karate lessons at the Sobell Centre in the Sobell Karate Club dojo. Girls will be taught by a female karate teacher (Lara). Girls will have three weeks of Karate, 27 January, 3 & 10 February 2022, at the usual time of 4.30-5.30pm.
It is important that students arrive at least ten minutes before the class and that girls have a bottle of water and that they wear suitable sports clothing. These will be really good sessions and will teach girls some really useful skills.
TGC Azontoboxercise
I know, it’s a bit of a mouthful but just before the break this physical activity was attended by our die-hard girls activity club goers and by some year 8 pupils, who attended the club for the first time.
The girls took part in a fun session of Azontoboxercise, which is an Afro beats-inspired aerobics routine. It’s a high-impact fitness class mostly done with Afro beats music and dance moves intertwined with Boxercise, Kickboxing and Taebo moves.
The session in the Sobell boxing studio was like nothing they have done before and was loud, lively, energetic and great fun! Everyone got involved, even the session organisers were freestyling their dance moves!
The girls filled the studio with their dance moves, their energy and their laughter. Make no mistake, Our Girls Can!!