At Arts and Media School Islington the ambition for our students is reflected in our vision ‘Every Child a Scholar’ and underpinned by our cornerstones: Confidence, Aspiration, Respect and Reflection.
AMSI Intent Statement
Our curriculum supports our vision and cornerstones through the delivery of the National Curriculum to gain the knowledge and skills to progress onto the next stage of learning at each endpoint.
Our curriculum is underpinned by:
- Independent learners who develop their resilience through turning failures into successes.
- Opportunities to develop their voice and be heard as articulate communicators.
- Empowerment through opportunities available to them.
- Preparation of students for their future prospects through informed decision-making processes.
- Ensures access to the curriculum through planned opportunities to access and develop academic literacy.
- Acknowledgment of the power of knowledge acquisition.
- Valuing the diversity and creativity of others whilst learning.
- Teaching and learning which is adapted to address misconceptions and integrate new knowledge and skills.
- Tools to develop empathy and emotional intelligence.
In Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 & 9), students study English, Mathematics, Science, the Arts (Art, Dance, Drama and Music), Humanities (History, Geography, Religious Education), a Modern Foreign Language (French or Spanish), Design Technology, Computer Science and Physical Education as well as PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education).
In Key Stage 4 (Years 10 & 11), all pupils take English, Maths and Triple Science; and in order to support diversity and better fulfil our students’ aspirations, we have designed 4 different pathways. The package is sufficiently flexible to allow for students who wish to take specialised combinations including EBacc, Creative and Non Creative Subjects:
- Pathway A: Community Language, Humanity, 2 other subjects
- Pathway B: Language (the one studied in KS3), 1 Humanity, 1 other subject
- Pathway C: 3 options free election
- Pathway D: Support, 2 other subjects.
A majority of our pupils go onto further education studying A-level at college.