Any concerns regarding your mental wellbeing or safety. Talk to us, we are here to listen! If something is bothering you, or you are worried about a friend call or text AMSI Safeguarding on 07340 574 136 or speak to an adult who you trust.
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Begum
Ms Morgan
Tel: 07340 574 136
Deputy Safeguarding Leads
Ms Esnard
Safeguarding Governor
Priya Nicholas
Deputy Safeguarding Governor
Tom Beck
Arts & Media School Islington is committed to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for children / young people.
We do this by:
- Recognising that all children have the right to freedom from abuse and harm
- Ensuring that all our staff and volunteers are carefully selected and vetted, have the relevant qualifications and experience, and accept responsibility for helping to prevent the abuse of children in their care
- Responding quickly and appropriately to all suspicions or allegations of abuse
- Providing parents / carers, children / young people with the opportunity to voice any concerns they may have
- Adopting disciplinary measures and sanctions which are non-violent and do not impose humiliation
- Appointing a Named Child Protection Officer who takes specific responsibility for children’s and young people’s protection, safety and well-being
- Reviewing the effectiveness of the organisations’ Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Working with external organisations, for example, Children’s Social Services, police, to ensure, as far as is possible, that children / young people are protected
- Not tolerating bullying. Incidents of bullying will be investigated and treated seriously. Action will be taken to stop the bullying.
Related Pages
- Further reading on E-Safety
- Please visit our Policies page to see the safeguarding policies
Reporting a Concern
Any student wishing to report a confidential concern directly to Ms Morgan, the Designated Safeguarding Lead, can also do so on the following form: