It is our shared vision that our young people become:
Confident, Aspirational, Respectful and Reflective scholars.
We lead all our young people through a scholastic program which explicitly teaches them the attributes they will need to become great academic scholars.
We believe that children achieve best when parents and teachers work together in partnership to support learning. We will keep you regularly informed through our website, through termly progress and social meetings and we offer appointments every week with any member of staff.
We encourage you to get to know your child’s Form Tutor as your first point of contact in the school and are happy to welcome you whenever you would like to speak to us.
We offer equality of opportunity and entitlement to a curriculum appropriate to their needs, abilities and interests. We provide individual support and guidance on how they can progress in their learning, both at school and in the future, through our extensive programme of Careers Guidance.
We have excellent facilities and staff expertise to support children with a wide variety of Special Educational Needs, for further information see our Schools Information Report. We also have a very successful Diversity and Achievement department which works with children who have English as an additional language and includes staff from Turkish, Somali, Bengali and Arabic backgrounds. We are only the sixth school in the country to be awarded the prestigious Diamond Cultural Diversity Quality standard for our work on community cohesion (awarded by the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust).
Through our program of assemblies and PSHE we explicitly teach the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with or without different faiths and beliefs.