‘Friends of AMSI’ is the platform for a wide range of partnerships we enjoy whether it be with parents and carers, governors, external agencies, other schools, international contacts and of course, the wider local community. Unfortunately, the activities of Friends of AMSI were somewhat restricted during the recent pandemic but we are now hopefully back full steam ahead!
Since its inception, Friends of AMSI have embarked on a number of successful and enjoyable events such as organising and hosting our School International Evening, the Summer Barbecue, volunteering at Sports Day, Friendship Afternoons, coffee mornings as well as hosting fundraising events for various activities trips and school outings.
As we reboot the group post-Covid, now is the time for anyone who is interested in making suggestions for any potential events or simply to be involved in the working party that meets twice a term to make contact with school – Friends of AMSI is very much parent/carer-driven group and staff are very keen to facilitate and support any ideas that the group feel they would like to put forward.
“The meetings are relaxed and are a great way to meet other parents, share experiences and get a better understanding of what goes on at AMSI. There are lots of ways to get involved from sourcing raffle prizes, cooking food or helping to run events on the day. We are always looking for inspiration on how to get parents more involved with the school and regularly keep parents and carers informed through the termly newsletter- #AMSINews,Year Ahead Events, social evenings and Parent Engagement Weeks.”
Carrie, Arts & Media School Parent and Friend of AMSI.
Friends of Arts & Media School meet twice a term with representatives from staff and parents from across all year groups. The meetings are open to everyone, for more details or to join our mailing list please contact: Contact school
Notification of the meetings will be posted in the Calendar.