Careers Education at Arts & Media School Islington
The careers programme at AMSI is currently developing on excellent previous practice. Our focus is on developing understanding by linking into subject areas and embedding further into the curriculum. By interacting with providers and professionals in the community, through visits outside of school and visitors into school in assemblies and in class activities, students will have the opportunity to explore ideas and participate in events to broaden their understanding of the wider work outside of school and how they can apply themselves for future career aspirations.
Careers Development is across all years 7-11 and students will participate in a programme of understanding themselves and managing transition from Primary school, exploring ideas in Year 8, Planning and Thinking Ahead when choosing their Options in Year 9 and how these can be applied in future career Ideas. In Year 10 all students participate in a 2-week Work Experience placement with a focus on ‘Being Professional’ in KS4 and ensuring students are prepared for Year 11 and important decisions for Post 16 application.
The Gatsby Benchmarks will provide the guidelines for a comprehensive and inclusion embedded curriculum for Careers Development for our students and we recognise the value of preparing our students for when they leave AMSI after Year 11 and move onto their Year 12 choices. We are working closely to develop working partnerships with Opportunity Providers and employers to create networks on which to base our stable and supportive Careers Development Programme.
Our case study films show real people doing real jobs, giving viewers insight into careers across all sectors and helping them to find their ideal career.
All students of AMSI have been issued with their own login to access Unifrog which is a widely used platform used accross many schools to support students with their career journey from year 7 onwards. Unifrog brings all the available information into one comprehensive, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices, and submit the strongest applications. It partners with universities and employers to further support students to be successful. We are currently rolling this out to students across years 7-11 and will be used in school to enhance the curriculum but also students can log in independently to complete modules and to support research. All students are encouraged to access Unifrog regularly to support them in their future planning.
Careers & Guidance Manager: Angela Bailey
Tel: 020 7281 5511 Ext.1011
SLT Manager: Anban Naidoo
Careers Link Governor: David Coronado
The eight Gatsby Benchmark standards of good career guidance are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
Key Stage 5
Academic progression is very important for all our pupils and over 95% of them go on to college and sixth form to study at the next level and then onto university or employment and training.
Every single one of our pupils has a guaranteed place at the City and Islington College which is our dedicated sixth form partner. They offer a multitude of courses including A-levels, Btec Nationals and work-based training.
“We achieve excellent academic results year on year for our students, with almost 1500 progressing on to higher education, and create pathways to careers for people of all ages. That is why we are the first choice Further Education College for thousands of young people and adults across London.
With our unique identity, we deliver high quality learning experiences for our students. We encourage them to achieve their ambitions, expand their horizons and grow as individuals. Many of the achievements made by our students are incredible and out of the ordinary. From a wide range of starting points, our students consistently show us that with the right attitude and approach, and with support from creative and expert staff, exceptional things can happen.”
City & Islington College
Principal Kurt Hintz